• Workers conducting construction diving work must have a current certificate of medical fitness to dive. Any work conducted by workers must be within any limits stated in the certificate.
  • All marine vessel operators and mobile plant operators must be licensed (as required by law) or verified as competent for the specific item of plant or marine vessel.
  • All plant and equipment (e.g., marine vessels, diving equipment, elevated work platforms, scissor lifts, man cages, scaffolds, anchor points, fall arrest and restraining devices) must be fit for purpose and certified as suitable by a competent person.
  • All scaffolding must be inspected by a competent person before use, after any event that could affect its stability (such as a severe storm), after any repairs, and at least every 30 days (South East Asia (SEA) BU – every 7 days).
  • All scaffolding must comply with current Standards and/or statutory requirements.
  • All emergency equipment (e.g., buoyancy vests/personal flotation devices and other emergency equipment) must be regularly inspected, calibrated (as required), tested, maintained and comply with current standards, statutory requirements or as defined by the manufacturer.
  • Daily pre-start inspections/checks must be undertaken by a competent person prior to using equipment as per the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) requirements.
  • A risk assessment must be in place for working near water/liquid bodies that addresses emergency management and permit requirements.
  • Work methods, permit requirements, emergency protocols and any changes must be communicated with those involved in the work
  • Risk controls and their effectiveness must be monitored for any changes to water conditions, tides, and weather.